Mini Docu: The Future of Fashion Blogging

Recently I came across this beautifully made short documentary about Fashion Bloggers. During my time at G-Star back in 2010 the fashion blogging phenomenon was at a rise, and many labels would seat the likes of Bryan Boy, Susie Bubble and Tavi Gevinson front row at their shows during the 2010 S/S New York Fashion Week. Beside inviting bloggers to our show, we even sponsored a Fashion Bloggers conference at the time.

Few years later, the whole fashion blogging thing seems to have spiraled out ouf control, according to this short video. We see hundreds of people harrassing celebrities and wannabe-fashionistas outside the NYFW venues. Over 230,000 people from out of town now visit Fashion Week, most of whom carrying a camera day round. Definitely an interesting piece to watch if you’re keen to learn how (and why) this has all escalated like it did over the past few years:

TAKE MY PICTURE from GARAGE Magazine on Vimeo.